
the solutions of Leetcode and CtCI

xhSong posted @ 2014年8月19日 22:15 in 其他 with tags leetcode ctci cracking the coding interview , 2273 阅读

很久以前,膜拜了下 Cracking the Coding Interview,用 c++ 写了部分代码,发个传送门 https://github.com/xhSong/CtCI

很久的很久以前,刷了下 leetcode,继续发个传送门 https://github.com/xhSong/leetcode

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2020年2月22日 21:36

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AP 10th Civics Model 说:
2022年9月18日 02:04

Department of Education and Secondary Education Board has designed the AP SSC Civics Model Paper 2023 Pdf with answers for Telugu Medium, English Medium & Urdu Medium Students of the State Board. Every year there are a huge number of teaching staff and educational portals of the state have suggested the practice question bank with revision questions for both medium students of the board. AP 10th Civics Model Paper In civics, students learn to contribute to public processes and discussions of real issues. Students can also learn civic practices such as voting, volunteering, jury service, and joining with others to improve society. Civics enables students not only to study how others participate but also to practice participating and taking informed action themselves.

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